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Liva & Laia : Almost 14 Months

By Stine Kuskner - Mon 29th Aug 2011

1 Year + 1.1/2 Months

Laia can run!! And she loves doing it.... Wherever we go where she can run, she's off. She usually falls down after a few seconds because she is laughing so hard. Liva walks as quickly as she can, trying to keep up.

Yesterday afternoon we went to the park behind our house with their little cars, they had loads of fun there. It's so wonderful that they are walking and playing now, and that I'm not as limited to baby-playgrounds anymore. The park behind our house has 2 regular swings, Liva and Laia are both really good at sitting on them, and the swings are close enough together that I can stand in the middle and hold on to an arm each. There's a little water fountain in the park, so we fill up buckets and sandtoys with water and create castels which Liva and Laia destroy, or they just pour the water over themselves. I love being able to leave the house without the stroller. Today we went to a mall, I let Liva and Laia walk the first few minutes until we got to the first street we had to cross, then I put them in the stroller. They loved being allowed to walk on their own.

Not sleeping in the mornings has worked out great all week, and they've napped 2 hours in the afternoon. Today they woke up shortly after 6:00, Liva was already cranky when she woke up. So they napped for 1 hour this morning, but were tired at the usual time. I've just put them down for their afternoon nap, I doubt they'll slepp 2 hours, but I hope they'll sleep at least 1½!

Today is Friday which means Albert is home early. My mother-in-law is coming so Albert and I can go out without the girls, I am sooooo looking forward to that. It's been a tough week, I'm starting to really realize how much Heather meant to us!! Depending on what happens the next couple of weeks, I'll start looking for a new babysitter, it's great having my mother-in-law when I need her for the rest of the month.

Almost 14 Months

It's almost 1:00 in the morning and almost 30 degrees out, making it impossible to sleep. We live on the top floor of an eight storey building, it's wonderful never having noise above us, but it's dreadful when Barcelona experiences a heat-wave. Last year it happened in July, when the girls were just a month old. At the time it didn't affect us much, they slept in our bedroom and we moved their bed right under our window. They slept every few hours, for a few hours. Albert and I were so sleep-deprived we could sleep anywhere, anytime at any temperature. But now it's affecting us all. Liva and Laia's room is the warmest room in the house, which is great in the winter but sucks at the moment! They didn't sleep until almost 21:00 tonight, 2 hours later than normal. I was in bed around 23:00 but got up 1½ hours later, after tossing and turning and desperately trying to cope with the heat. I've just done some translation work, and will go back to bed now. I hope sleep finds me soon, I'll be up in less than 6 hours again. Liva and Laia sleeping later does unfortunately not mean them sleeping longer in the morning. It just means they're more cranky the following day... And they really struggle with this heat, Liva keeps vomitting when we're in the apartment, and they're both all sweaty. We've used their little paddle-pool loads these days, and have enjoyed playing with the foutains at the different playgrounds around the city. According to the weatherforecast, temperatures will be dropping one degree every day next week, I hope that's true!

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