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100 : Not Out !

By Mr Grumpy - Fri 4th Nov 2011

I started to write a blog this morning but stopped dead in my tracks when I realised that today's blog would be number 100 !

Has it really been that many ? Have I really been whingeing on for so long ? Is anyone even reading them ?

The answers to the above being Yes / Yes / Occasionally - and you can click HERE to see the proof, with the back-catalogue of them if you are so inclined.

So I have decided to put the subject that I was going to blog about originally on hold and take a few minutes to blow my own trumpet a bit and blog a blog about blogging...

As any blogger will doubtlessly tell you, the fact that I jot down a random collection of drivel once a week has pretty much taken over my life. I can rarely go through an average day without taking notes - mental or otherwise - about 'What may make an interesting anecdote' to use as the basis for my next blog, only to forget everything by the time it comes to write something, and then remember it days later when the moment has passed.

Which is why I usually end up just rambling about nothing in particular.

Worse still, I seem to live my life like I am a character in a film. By that I mean there is a continuous dialogue, or narrative going on in my head - reading my blog out loud as I am living my life. If I am stood in queue in a shop, quietly observing the shambolic display of inefficiency going on in front of me, I have this voice in my head reading my next blog out loud before I have even left the shop.

Sometimes the voice seems so real that I have to double check that other people waiting inline haven't overheard or been offended.

He sounds a bit like a cross between David Attenborough and Alan Bennett, but with a Yorkshire accent.

To date I seem to have managed to offend Golfers, Cyclists, Sherry drinkers and countless travel journalists - so there is a still a huge untapped demographic for me to run at - something that I promise to get around to in the very near future.

Comment on this Blog

Way to go Mr Grumpy... Keep them coming, I love reading your Friday blogs the most!
Dan Brammall - Thu, 10th Nov 2011

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