- Business
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- Legal Formalities
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- Other
- Pensions & Benefits
- Property & Accommodation
- Taxes
- Airports and Airlines Spain
- Paramount Theme Park Murcia Spain
- Corvera International Airport Murcia Spain
- Join us for Tea on the Terrace
- When Expat Eyes Are Smiling
- Meet Wincham at The Homes, Gardens & Lifestyle Show, Calpe
- QROPS 2014
- Spain Increases IHT in Valencia & Murcia
- Removals to Spain v Exports from Spain
- The Charm of Seville
- Gibraltar Relations
- Retiro Park : Madrid
- Community Insurance in Spain
- Calendar Girls
- Considerations when Insuring your Boat in Spain
- QROPS – HMRC Introduces changes that create havoc in the market place
- QROPS – All Change From April 2012
- Liva & Laia : 15th November

Every day Tumbit browses through thousands of News articles on web posted by the best of Agencies to find useful Legal and Financial News that could be relevant to your life in Spain - that's it ! We can't promse you the latest celebrity gossip or tell you your horoscope for the coming week - we prefer to stick with what we're good at ... and you can always nip out and buy " Hello " if needs be.
- Spain Airline arrivals decline for Jan & Feb
- Money leaving Spain slows in 2012
- On this day in Spanish History
- UK issues 30'000 National Insurance Cards to Spaniards in 2012
- Spain Reported to EU for EHIC Infractions
- Cyprus Bailout : Could it happen in Spain ?
- Canary Island Earthquakes Escalate
- Spanish City seeks ways to Tax Church activities
- EU leaders denounce Cyprus bailout model
- Orange Spain launches 2 new tariffs
- Spain's holy parades thrive despite falling faith
- Corvera Airport : There are "Other Options"
- Paramount Murcia "Work Will Commence in July"
- Castellon Airport : Yet Another Deadline Looms
- "Normal to Urinate in Public" : Spanish Tourists
- Spain asks EU to revise deficit target
- Spain to introduce language test for Citizenship
- Happy Birthday Castellon Airport !
- PP hampers draft eviction bill
- Spain challenges EU Unitary Patent Proposal
- 1.7 Mln Brits Escape to Spain this Easter
- Renault to create 700 new jobs in Spain
- SMEs spell big problems for Italy and Spain
- Three Spanish banks post multi-billion euro losses
- Spain's Liberbank set for May listing
- Iberia CEO resigns
- EU calls on Spain to revise public deficit figures
- IAG Raises Bid for Spain's Vueling
- Telefonica guarantees jobs and pay-rises
- Caixabank reduces job losses to 2,600
- Spain Inflation eases slightly in March
- Saloufest 2013 kicks off
- PAH to use ECJ ruling to prevent Mortgage Evictions in Spain
- Spain to file criminal charges against Lance Armstrong
- Regional Gov't criticised over Castellon Airport race-track contract
- Telefonica to pay €135 mln to Spanish Taxman
- Bank of Spain sees unemployment at 27pct in 2013
- S&P warn Spain further Pension reforms required
- Regulator suspends trading in Telefonica shares
- Cyprus is "A unique exceptional case" : Rajoy
- Spain and UK sign new Dual Taxation Agreement
- Bank of Spain expects economy to shrink in 2013
- PP use dirty tricks to smear Spain's anti-eviction group
- Telefonica Spain offer new mobile phone tarrifs
- Unicaja posts 2012 loss
- Telefonica to sell 2 pct of own shares
- TV firms fear Spain could switch off 9 channels
- Vodafone Spain improves Yu pre-pay tarrif
- El Pais compares Merkel to Hitler
- Spain has wetter than average Autumn, dryer Winter
- Bankia plummets after new share valuation
- Cyprus seeks 11-hour deal to avert meltdown
- ECB expects no Cyprus contagion risk
- Paramount Murcia Goes Pear Shaped ?
- Fabra resigns as President of Castellon Airport
- Murcia's San Javier Airport appoints new boss
- Audi Q6 to be built in Spain
- Youtube pulls Spain Bullfighting clips
- Spain makes 200 Eviction orders per day in 2012
- Corvera Airport : This Summer "is lost"
- President of Castellon Airport to Stand Trial
- Telefonica prices "Too High" : Watchdog
- Spain "Is beginning to recover from crisis" : Iberdrola CEO
- Spain Softens Austerity for Regions
- Spain Values Bankia Shares at 1 Cent
- Spain to help investors who were sold risky bank debt
- Euromillions Jackpot Guaranteed €100 Million
- Spain to see Electricity prices fall in Q2
- Spain's savers will remain untaxed : Montoro
- 1.3 Bln bottle world-wide wine shortage
- Spain's Labor Costs Decline to Below Germany's
- Spain Tourism focuses on India
- Spain sees Rich-Poor gap grow 30pct since onset of crisis
- SAREB submits revised business plan
- Madrid to offer Catalonia a helping hand
- Spain's Dominican nationals given help to repatriate
- Spotify joins forces with Spain's Telefonica and Yoigo
- Rajoy to change Spain's economic forecast
- Ryanair orders 175 new aircraft
- "It Couldn't Happen In Spain" : Top Businesses on Cyprus
- El Hierro Earthquake Swarm Resurfaces
- Watch your back Paramount Murcia !
- Catalan politician charged in corruption case
- European car sales fall 10.2 pct in Feb
- Cyprus Euro exit "Not on the table" : De Guindos
- New flights to connect Granada and London
- DGT submit request for changes to speed limit
- Look out for the Benidorm Bastards
- Google launches Flight Search in UK and Spain
- Spain launches overseas tax inspection unit
- Catalonia subsides regional media with €9.4 Mln
- Spain Financial Markets hit by Cyprus Bailout
- Madrid's Olympic bid assessment underway
- S&P warns of explosive situation in euro zone
- Canary Islands Earthquake
- Lights out for British property owners in Spain
- Ryanair flight "forgets" to request landing permission
- Spain's 2012 Public Debt Advances 20%
- Bank of Spain says no sign of deposit flight
- Spain's Economy Minister speaks on Cyprus Bailout
- EU Bailout of Cyprus : A Dangerous Precedent for Spain ?
- Earthquake felt in Valencia
- Fabra speaks of Castellon Airport offers
- Tax officers raid Valencia 'Fallas'
- Competition heats up in Spain's mobile phone market
- Spain sees severance costs fall
- Orange to power down for Earth Hour
- Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition !
- Spain to restrict early retirement
- Spanish Public Debt hits 84% of GDP in 2012
- New Flights introduced between Wales and Spain
- Property prices fell 13.7% in 2012 : INE
- La Caixa to invite property speculators on board
- Spain rules out tougher provisioning for banks
- Spain to make home evictions harder
- Jazztel projects growth after fiber optic investment
- Spain's Energy costs contribute most to inflation in Feb
- Spain considers setting deficit targets by region
- Aerocas studying 2 offers for Castellon Airport
- Spain to see no new 'major' tax hikes until 2015
- EU can now force members to accept bailout
- Iberia workers call off strike action
- Spain to revise economic forecasts in April
- Orange and Vodafone to build Fibreoptic network in Spain
- Spain's Inditex posts 22 pct rise in net profit
- UK Embassy in Spain updates Tax Advice
- Maltese company to recruit 200 staff in Spain
- Telefonica talks to Unions on pay cuts
- Spain property sales up 19pct y-o-y January
- SAREB to sell €1.5 billion of assets in 2013
- Spanish Airports to Introduce 'Trolley Tax'
- Spain unveils plan to get young back to work
- Suspending Catalunya Banc sale "Negative" : Moody's
- Spain's cost of borrowing falls to 3-year low
- Spain : 5 reasons to expect a recovery
- Spain Foreign Office against travel to Acapulco
- Spain ranks as World's 4th most competetive holiday destination
- Spain in talks to rescue struggling toll roads
- Spain labour costs fall at record pace
- Iberia accepts strike mediator proposals, Unions undecided
- Ceremony marks 9 year anniversary of M-11 Bombings
- Spain will not merge nationalised banks
- Spain estimates enough Gas reserves for 39 years
- Spain considers publicising details of tax offences
- Population of Spain to fall 10pct by 2050
- Spain Petrol Prices : I Don't Like Mondays
- Santander Sells Troubled Loans As Prices Plummet
- Spain's new IVA rules "Too late" for many Businesses
- UK Behind Only Chad in Airline Taxes
- Mapfre sees 2013 revenue of €26 billion
- Paramount Murcia : Spare us the Bullshit
- Castellon Airport offer could still be rejected
- WHY Spain ?
- IAG "considering Vueling options"
- Spain still hot destination for expats
- Exports the save Spanish economy from total catastrophe
- Hayfever sufferers in Spain in for a difficult spring
- Spain industrial output falls for 17th consecutive month
- Spain pressing ahead with independent fiscal authority
- PP hit by fresh corruption investigation
- Spain investigates possibility of Dog DNA in processed meat
- Iberia workers occupy T4 Barajas
- Spain 2012 deficit figure "would only be revised downward" : Montoro
- Spain has colder & wetter than usual February
- 'Bankers pay should be set by Shareholders' : De Guindos
- Corvera and Paramount 'divert funds from local entrepreneurs'
- Spain mulls merger of Catalunya Banc and Bankia
- Spain "Has room to increase IVA" : EU
- IAG's February traffic falls due to Iberia strikes
- Spain needs new reforms : EU
- De Guindos explains decision to halt Bank sale
- EU sticks to minimal Bankia share valuation
- Spain "Will not see new cuts to hit deficit target"
- Spain halts sale of Catalunya Banc
- Spain sees demand for fuel slide
- Spain jobless hits record five million
- Bank of Spain starts proceedings over Santander CEO
- Spain's richest man now worth €44 billion
- Spain tells resident expats to declare all offshore assets
- Iberia flights hit by new strike
- Vodafone Spain Change Pre-Pay Packages
- Offer to buy Spain's first Privately-Owned Airport
- Paramount Murcia : 1 Year Anniversary of Land Purchase
- The Sun Slams Expats in Spain
- Unemployment across the EU increases to 10.8% end Jan
- Iberia Strike Passengers Urged to Claim Compensation
- Euro bailout fund "may not extend to banks"
- Spanish Blue-Chip Company profits at 10 year lows
- Fabra shuffles his feet over Castellon Airport
- Spanish Motor Vehicle Production up in January
- Spain refers Catalan Independence to Constitutional Court
- Telefonica shows signs of Spanish turnaround
- Catalan Town Lifts Burqa Ban
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